Team Results

Team Results is a plugin I developped for WordPress Blogs. It is currently translated in English, French, German and Dutch.

This plugin will display a widget in the frontpage of your blog.

Widget on the Front Page

Widget on the Front Page

It supported an unlimited amount of teams and results. There's a location management to describe if the match was played outside or at home (useful for sport team).

One can configure how many results to be displayed on the front page. To show all the result there is a link on the front page that opens a lightbox with a table containing all the results. There is also filters on that table to browse the results more efficiently.

The Lightbox displaying all the results

The Lightbox displaying all the results

It is also possible since version 1.2 to add a table with the results on a page or on a post. To do that, simply put [team_results] where you want to see the table of results on your page or post content.

The plugin add a new menu item on the administration page to manage the team, the results and the options of the plugin

Administration pages

Administration pages

For an example: visit

For more information or suggestions, send an email to You can download the tool freely by using the button below

Download Teamresults_v1.2

Help me continue my work!

If you like this plugin and want to see it continue to grow and get maintained, don't hesitate to make a little donation for support.


V1.2: 15 June 11

  • It is now possible to add a table with the results on a page or post using the snippet: [team_results]
  • Color for defeat and victory can be modified easily
  • German translation added (Thanks to Claus Artz)
  • Example text for widget number corrected
  • Widget title is now editable from the admin page
  • Graphical issue corrected on the widget
  • Correction of a bug related to the date on the add a result page

V1.1: 11 Nov. 10

  • Modification of the admin interface: all results are now editable via an edit button
  • Dutch translation added (Thanks to Ruben Janssen)

V1.0: 11 Sept. O9

  • First version

73 thoughts on “Team Results

  1. How do I change the date format to mm/dd/yy

  2. How do I change date format to mm/dd/yy

  3. Hi

    Any new version on the way?

  4. Ulf

    That’s planned for february normally. Are you expecting some specific features?

  5. Yes I’m expecting news features 🙂

    – Sorting « Opponent » and « Location » fields.
    – Some customized fields for enter what I want.
    – Text centred in fields.
    – A field to place country flags of opponent teams.
    – Auto center window in browser
    – Not so important but… maybe a little better graphic interface 🙂

    Btw you can check your plugin in action in my site ->

    Thanks for sharing your plugin to us.

  6. Hi,

    Happy New Year to all.

    Ulf I remember another important feature to add.

    – An option to export to Excel.

    Best regards.

  7. Benich


    Merci pour le boulot et le partage : c’est exactement ce qu’il me fallait pour mon club de hand.

    Juste une tite question : je n’arrive pas à avoir l’interface de gestion en Fr, mais je suis surement pas très doué 😉

    Si tu as le temps de me dire.



  8. Pour résoudre le problème de traduction:

    Il suffit donc de renommer le répertoire du plugin en teamresults avant de l’uploader dans

    Attention, si l’extention est déjà activée et que vous l’avez renommée, il faudra la désactiver puis la réactiver pour la rendre de nouveau utilisable.


    Dans team_results.php

    La référence au répertoire Lang si dessus n’est pas valide si le nom du répertoire est laissé par défaut: « team-results-widget-displaying-scores-for-teams » et ce, quelque soit la méthode d’installation. Par défaut, le répertoire « teamresults » n’existe pas.

    Bonne journée et merci encore pour ce plugin.

  9. @Benich La réponse juste en dessous! 😉

  10. Hi,

    Ulf any new?

    Best regards.

  11. Ulf


    I broke my wrist while playing handball so all my personal work is delayed. I will do my best as soon as I fully recover

  12. I’m so sorry about that 🙁

    Don’t worry, your health first.
    We can wait for your work.

    Les améliorations apportées à votre poignet. (Google translation) 🙂

    Best regards.

  13. CliveB

    Hi Ulf
    sorry to read about your wrist. I hope it is getting much better by now.
    I am developing a site for a tennis club. Will your plugin keep track for one team only or two or more teams. If it keeps track of them all which is great, can you filter for Ladies results or Gents results say ??

  14. si soufian

  15. Great plugin!
    would there possibly be a way to show standings? Thanks again…

  16. PAT

    is there any way you could do the following..
    – have it that text in the tables could be links to whatever page on your site you allow?
    – take away the small black border where the results are shown

    I’m interested in this plugin and would donate once I’m happy with choosing this plugin.

  17. PAT

    also could there be any way of editing menu yourself,, the top menu, so you can add in ATTENDANCE for example? kind of like your own database to change around.

  18. Je poste rarement des commentaires mais ton plugin m’a été bien utile pour un petit site perso en développement. La gestion de différentes équipes, tout cela, parfait! Juste dommage ce petit souci de changement à faire pour la trad mais c’est ridicule vis à vis de ce qui est apporté. Juste un petit boulot sur l’adaptation du design et c’est parfait. Merci

  19. rocketjunkies

    hello there,

    need help I am looking for a wp plugin for student search results on front end. like they usually seach for 12th std results after login and enter seat no, or DOB and hit enter to search results is there any such in wordpress or can do this by plugin..

    also the student DB file will be uploaded from admin..the fields might be name, seat no, etc….

    when user enter his seat no then according to year his results should display

    urgent require some help here..hope you can help..

    thank you

  20. Ulf

    @Kzrdt: Merci pour le soutien, toujours content de voir que le plugin sert. Il faudrait je m’y remette pour le mettre à jour et faire les évolutions…

    @rocketjunkie: Sorry but that plugin is really not made for what you’re looking for. Maybe you can find a plugin more appropriate somewhere but I can’t help here.

  21. Jazz


  22. Ben

    Salut Ulf,

    Dans le but de mettre au point un site de tournois esportif, ton plugin été tout désigner pour enrichir mon site et le finalisé de surcroit. Malheureusement le plugin ne fonctionne plus à présent, et je me demandais si ne sait on jamais au vue de la forte demande dans le secteur et le peu de plugins existant sur le créneau, tu serait intéressé pour reprendre le développement?

    Je reste ouvert par mail à toutes réponses 🙂

  23. Tinou

    Le plugin n’est plus mis a jour…
    Un remplacant ou des idées ?

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